Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
156 lines
Written by
Timothy C. Benner, MIT 88
1. OVERVIEW: This is a version of the classic game of Battleship,
in which two players compete to be the first to sink all of their
opponent's ships. It includes a large number of options which may
be turned on or off, thus improving variety.
2. REQUIREMENTS: This program requires VGA graphics to operate.
Specifically, it runs in 640 x 480 16-color mode. It will not
function on a computer which will not support this mode. It also
requires a mouse. It uses less than 150K of RAM.
3. GENERAL USE: To select a menu option, click on it with the
mouse or press the key corresponding to the highlighted letter.
To activate a button, click on it with the mouse or press the key
corresponding to the underlined letter. To set up a fleet of ships
or to make a move during the game, click on an empty space with the
mouse, as described below.
4. MAIN MENU: The following options are active from the main menu:
A. Play (G)ame: Go to the playing screen and play the game.
See 5. below.
B. (H)elp: Go to the online help screens. There is one
screen for basic help and one for options.
C. (O)ptions: Go to the options screen and choose from a
wide variety of playing options. See 6. below.
D. Win (R)ecord: Display a record of wins, losses, and high
scores for one-player games at each ability level. Zero
and two player games do not affect this record. From
this display, there are two further options:
1. (C)lear: Clear the win/loss/high score record to all
zeroes. Record keeping starts again with the next
one-player game.
2. E(X)it: Return to the main menu.
E. E(X)it: Exit the game via an information screen.
5. PLAYING SCREEN: Each game has two stages: setting up your own
fleet and searching for and destroying your opponent's fleet. The
ships are set up one at a time, from largest to smallest. To place
a ship, position the mouse over an empty square, then click one of
the two mouse buttons. The left button will place the ship downward
from the selected square, and the right button will place it to the
right. If there is another ship in the way, the placement will not
be allowed. Once all ships are placed, play begins. To fire at your
opponent, select an empty square and click the left mouse button.
Either a white splash or a red explosion will result. If you have
selected special weapons on the options screen, they are displayed
and may be selected for use at the bottom of the playing screen.
To fire one, click the right mouse button over an empty square.
A cluster bomb attacks the selected square and the four squares
around it. A smart bomb searches around the selected square. If
it finds a target, it hits it. Otherwise it attacks the center
square. A cruise missile travels either six squares (small board)
or nine squares (large board) until it hits something or falls into
the sea. It must be given a direction of flight using the arrow
keys before launch. The trajectory may be up, down, left, or right.
The following options are also available from this screen:
A. (N)ew: Start a new game. This will cancel any game still
in progress and clear the playing board.
B. (H)int: See where the computer might move if it were in
your position. It will think at the currently selected
ability level, and due to the inherent randomization, it
may not always suggest the same spot for the same setup.
It may not always be the best move for you, but it will not
deliberately cheat to set you up to lose.
C. (S)ound: Toggle the sound on and off.
D. E(X)it: Return to the main menu.
6. OPTIONS SCREEN: To select an option, click on the appropriate
box. Special weapons may each be selected or deselected. A
selected item has a filled red box, others have empty boxes.
Specific options are as follows:
A. Board Size: The playing board may be a 10x10 space grid
or a 15x15 space grid.
B. Number of Players: There may be 0, 1, or 2 human players
in the game.
C. Salvo Size: Each turn a player may fire either one shot or
one shot per ship, as determined here.
D. Ability Level: This may be beginner, intermediate, or
E. Fleet Size: There may be five or eight ships per side.
F. Starting Player: This determines whether a certain player
starts every game or a random player starts each game.
G. Resources: Special weapons may be either fleet resources or
ship resources. If they are ship resources, then any unused
weapons are lost if their corresponding ship is sunk. If
they are fleet resources, they are available until used up.
Cluster bombs and smart bombs come from the carrier, and
cruise missiles come from the cruiser.
H. Special Weapons: Cluster bombs, smart bombs, and cruise
missiles may be selected or deselected. If selected, three
of each allowed weapon are available to each side.
7. CONFIGURATION: Your choices regarding board size, number of
players, salvo size, ability level, fleet size, starting player,
resources, special weapons, and sound make up your configuration.
When you exit the program, it will save the current configuration and
the record of wins, losses, and high scores in a file called
BATTLESH.CFG. If this file does not exist, it will create it. Then,
the next time you start the program, it will load your configuration
and set up the game accordingly. You may of course change this
configuration via the options screen and sound button at any time.
8. OTHER FILES: There are two other files the game requires to
operate: BB_BPIC.DAT and BB_SPIC.DAT. These files contain the
ship pictures used on the playing screen, and without them the
ships will appear as solid black rectangles.
9. PRINTING: This document is formatted for a three-page printout.